Saving Walden's World

Thriving Communities

Thursday, February 20, 6:30 p.m.
Picker Room,  Camden Public Library

As Camden faces the challenge of building a thriving bioregion, CamdenCAN serves as a hub for action. Their monthly Camden Talks Climate series features Belfast-based director Jim Merkel and his award-winning film, Saving Walden’s World.

Fresh from a robust festival circuit, the film offers global insights and explores rarely seen thriving communities like Cuba, Kerala, India and Slovenia.

A free screening, co-hosted by CamdenCAN and the Camden Public Library.

In Transition

Community reading Group

2nd & 4th Tuesdays 5-6 pm
Camden Public Library 

Join our CamdenCAN Community reading group focused on creating a thriving and resilient community.

We kicked off our discussion with a screening on Jan 28 of InTransition 2.0, an inspiring story of many communities around the world doing just that.

We are reading Toby Hemenway’s The Permaculture City (free online). Haven’t read it, come and learn from the group of us who have read it. 


Harbor Resilience

Community visioning

Join CamdenCAN to help generate a robust, regenerative and resilient community. 

Come to our Climate Talk Climate events, join in our In Transition biweekly discussions, participate in our yearly garden tour, share food at our potlucks, peruse our website, comment on our forum.  Or propose another action or event that will get you fired up about generating and belonging to a vibrant community!


Seasons in Camden


In Camden


at Snow bowl


in the harbor

Join Us

Roll up your sleeves, dare to dream big, lean into community, and join us for an adventure, where we get to create the kind of future we deserve.

Community Feedback

"I commend you for your continuing attention to Climate Action Now... you heal ourselves in our divided country and world. Camden can show the way. I am new to Maine and hope that Camden's lead in thinking about climate will inspire neighboring towns to join in on this discussion."
Charlie C
"There are a lot of great recommendations for action in this report and I thank you for that... a pat on your collective back to keep up the great work."
Nancy J
“You and CamdenCan are awesome!! This is so beautifully written and inspiring. Love all the information about food and its role in our present and future lives!”
Kathleen S